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Results of Dedicated Server : 405

Adding IP Addresses to Your Windows 2008 Server (Loopback)

When you receive additional IPs for your server, you have to configure your server and firewall to accept requests from them.Note: We configure all of your server's IP

Adding IP Addresses to Your Linux Server (Loopback)

When you receive additional IPs for your server, you have to configure your server and firewall to accept requests from them.Note: We configure all of your server's IP

Add more IP Addresses

After requesting additional IPs, you must configure your server to accept traffic on them. How you add these IPs depends on your server's operating system, firewall, and IP

Finding and Fixing Spam Abuse on Your Server

If you suspect hackers have abused your server to send email without your knowledge, we have tools to help you clean up the server and help prevent the same issue from

Access my Linux server's firewall console

If your Linux server has a firewall, you can access it through your server's Hosting Control Center.

What is an IP Address?

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifying string of numbers, like, given to every individual computer, server, and network on the Internet. Like

Installing Modules for Your cPanel/WHM Server

WHM and cPanel® lets you install a number of different modules, including modules for Perl, Python (PECL), rsync (PECL), and solr (PECL).

Configuring DNS for your cPanel domain

cPanel (both shared and on servers) lets you host a website and email for your domain names. To establish the connection between the domain name and your cPanel account, you

MS SQL Server admin tool login information

Our hosting accounts have an admin tool built in to help you manage MS SQL databases.

What filename does my PHP initialization file need to use?

PHP initialization files can manage form, server, and environmental variables as well as server-side cookies, temporary directories, error display, and error logging. You can

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