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Results of Dedicated Server : 405

Find your username

You'll need your server's username to connect via SSH or Remote Desktop (RDC).

Request additional IP addresses

You can request up to 2 additional IP addresses for your server (for a total of 3: the first assigned when your set up your server, and the 2 additional IPs).

Do I need more than one dedicated IP address for my VPS?

The quick answer is no. One dedicated IP address for your VPS works for:

Change your WordPress password with WP-CLI

If you installed WP-CLI on your server to manage your WordPress site, then you can follow these steps to update your password. If you have not setup WP-CLI, then you will

Troubleshoot and fix a WordPress internal server error

From time to time a plugin, theme, or scripting issue can cause a 500 internal server error on your WordPress site.

Nameserver rules for .fr domains

If you want to register a .fr domain name with us and use our nameservers, we handle this process for you.

Change my hosting IP in the Web Application Firewall (WAF)

If you change hosting providers, or your hosting provider changes the IP address pointing to your web server, you will need to update your hosting IP address in the Website

Resource limits

Your cPanel hosting has a maximum amount of resources it can use, ensuring that no single account on a Shared Hosting server impacts other customers' experiences.

Fix redirect error in WordPress

When you see this error it indicates something is causing too many redirects and the server can't complete the request, an infinite redirection loop. This issue is typically

FileZilla Errors: "The server's certificate is unknown" & ECONNREFUSED

You might receive the following error when trying to connect to your cPanel shared hosting account with FileZilla (image):

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