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Sending Form Mail with cPanel and Plesk Shared Hosting

To send form mail for a website hosted on your cPanel or Plesk shared hosting account(more info), we recommend using PHP's mail( ) function. You can find more information on

Migrating Your cPanel Site from HostGator to ITEGY

If you want to migrate your site hosted by HostGator to ITEGY, you can use cPanel's backup features. This will move your website, its databases, as well as the email accounts

Do your hosting accounts support MVC4 and MVC5 applications?

Only our Plesk Shared Hosting accounts support MVC4 and MCV5 applications. For more information, see What type of hosting account do I have?

About .DOMAINS Domain Names

A brilliant day is dawning on the Web, thanks to the new domains being released weekly. There’s even one dedicated to domain registrars and resellers, hosting companies and

Wincache Support on Plesk Shared Hosting

Our Plesk shared hosting accounts support Wincache for PHP apps. This feature can increase the performance of PHP applications through caching on your hosting account.

Download your WebMatrix Publish Profile (Web Deploy)

Our Plesk shared hosting accounts offer WebMatrix "publish profiles" using Microsoft Web Deploy so you can easily publish your website.

Install a UCC certificate for cPanel Addon Domains

If you want to use an SSL connection for one of your cPanel shared hosting account's Addon Domains, you can purchase and configure a Multiple Domains UCC certificate.

Find my website's root directory

You can find your root directory for each domain name in your Web & Classic hosting account. When visitors enter your domain name in a Web browser, they will see the content

How do free hosting credits work?

We offer credits for free cPanel shared hosting accounts when you purchase some of our products. These hosting accounts have the following limitations:

Clarifying File Repository Violations

As we continue to strive for optimal website performance and availability for all of our customers, it is important to understand the difference between website hosting and

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