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Results of Registering Domain Names : 743

Check the status of my domain transfer

Checking on the progress of your domain transfer-in to ITEGY is easy!

Park a domain registered with ITEGY

Parking your domain when it's registered with ITEGY is easy. Your domain's nameservers are likely already set to Default or Standard in your account if you're registered with

Find my ITEGY nameservers

If your domain is registered at another company, but you're hosting your website with ITEGY, you can connect the domain name to your website using our nameservers.

Install WordPress

Your hosting account has a built-in tool to install WordPress to any domain that you have added to your hosting.

Change my website's domain address

By default, your Website Builder site's web address is based on what you named it when first setting up Website Builder — with secureserversites.netadded at the end. If you

Change a page name on my website

As you build your site or reorganize it, you may need to change the names of some pages to better identify their content for your visitors.

Delete a domain from a Preset Profile

You can delete a domain name from a preset profile without deleting the profile itself. It also does not delete the domain name from your account, but it does change the

Find your website's nameservers in Plesk hosting

To make your website visible on the Internet, you need to point your domain name to your hosting account using nameservers. For more information, see What is DNS?

Manage DNS in cPanel hosting

If you need to change your hosted domain's DNS, you can access our DNS manager through your hosting account.

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