Online Storage lets you share files and folders by collaborating with other Online Storage users. Collaborating lets other users view or modify contents of your shared
Our API Reseller plan lets you sell our products and services with your existing Web store.
phpMyAdmin lets you view and modify a database. You can change database values, run queries, and create, view and modify your database structure.
After you set up your Workspace email address, you can login to your email account online through the Workspace Webmail login page.
On Linux® hosting accounts, you can view and end certain types of connections to your account. You can use this to manage runaway scripts or get your account's PHP
You can let another person manage your CashParking® domain names. When you assign Account Administrator permissions to other users, they can get reporting statistics, add
Other Online Storage users can share folders with you by adding you as a collaborator, and then assigning you permissions to their folders. Being a collaborator lets you
Enable as a shipping method if you sell items that must ship via freight carrier or bulk items that ship via pallet. You must have a
The Product Variations Grid in Quick Shopping Cart® calculates all possible product variations based on the configurable options you've specified. It can calculate up to four
You can change your Domain Backorders service to a different domain name as long as the backorder remains active. Domain Backorders remain active until they capture a domain