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Results of Why Do I Need a Domain Name : 3453

Working with Chase Paymentech

Chase Paymentech® is an automated credit card payment gateway that integrates with your existing Quick Shopping Cart® account, allowing you to accept credit card payments

Reinstalling the Default Scripts Directory on Windows Shared Hosting

There are two form mailers on Windows shared hosting: gdform.php and webformmailer.asp. Reinstalling updates your hosting account's scripts directory with the latest version

Edit my homepage calendar settings

You can manage the number and type of events and tasks you display on your Homepage. To learn more about Homepage, see Using the Web-Based Email Homepage.

Set the number of emails to display

You can specify how many email messages you want to set on your Web-Based Email Homepage.

Arranging my preset widgets on my homepage

You can arrange the Preset Widgets to display you want on your Homepage.

Providing Sample Logos

We want to see what you are envisioning for your logo design. While it is not required that you provide sample logos, we highly recommend it. There are endless styles of logo

Accepting Pending Calendar Activations

If you, or another Calendar user, added you to a Calendar account, you receive an email notification for the request.

Deleting Calendar Accounts

You can delete any or all of the email addresses that are associated to your Calendar account plans. Deleting the addresses that you set up does not delete or cancel your

Enable SSH (Secure Shell) access

You can enable SSH (Secure Shell) protocol to provide a secure method of connecting to your hosting account to upload files, move files and execute commands. Customers using

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