A domain name, like www.coolexample.com, is a lot like a street address for a house or business. Let's use the White House as an example. The street address, 1600
To send mail out from our servers on your dedicated or Virtual Private Server (VPS), you need to set your outgoing mail server to the one specified in the Hosting Control
A Certified Domain lets people know that we have formally certified the domain's registration. Read on for answers to your questions about getting started with domain
Now that the domain has been certified, what's next? Here are frequently-asked questions about using and retaining your domain's certification.
During the domain name validation process, we verify the email address used when the domain is registered with us. The process also includes fraud screening and telephone
If you forget your Online Storage password, you can change it in the Email Control Center.
You can publish your PERL files to any directory.
When making modifications to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or a Dedicated Server, some procedures may result in downtime or a loss of data.
You can set the maximum amount of idle time allowed for remote desktop connections.
You can view messages in the Qmail email queue.