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What is open_basedir?

The open_basedir function defines the locations or paths from which PHP is allowed to access files using functions like fopen() and gzopen(). If a file is outside of the

Can I use open_basedir on my server running Parallels Plesk Panel?

Parallels Plesk Panel 8.0 and above configures the httpd.include file for each domain for overall site security. As such, it enables the open_basedir directive for PHP, so

Installing MSDE on a Windows Virtual Private Server

While the MSDE is pre-installed on the Windows Dedicated Servers by default, it is not pre-installed on our Virtual Private Servers (VPS). However, it is fairly easy to

Troubleshooting cPanel FTP Connectivity Issues

If your FTP connection through cPanel fails, here are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem before calling customer support.

Cancel Private Registration

When you cancel Private Registration, anyone can see your your name, mailing address, email address, phone number and other personal information in the public Whois database.

How do I Create a Sub-folder for use with my FTP Backup Service?

You can back up data using our FTP Backup Service, and save the data to a sub-folder.

Using .htpasswd With Your Linux Shared Hosting Account

To protect a directory in your hosting account with a password, in that directory, create an .htaccess file that contains the following:

Why am I getting a permissions error message from Authorize.Net?

If you are trying to verify a payment or process an order in Quick Shopping Cart® and receive the Authorize.Net error "This account has not been given the permissions

What Do I Do When I Receive an Updateable Query Error?

For more information as to other causes and other possible resolutions see Microsoft's Help and Support.

Why is my PayPal account blocking payments from un-encrypted buttons?

During the checkout process from your Quick Shopping Cart storefront, your customers may receive the following error message.

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