Your default PHP upload limit depends on the type of hosting account you have (What type of hosting account do I have?).
Parallels Plesk Panelconfigures the httpd.include file for each domain for overall site security. As such, it enables the open_basedir directive for PHP, so that a script
The open_basedir function defines the locations or paths from which PHP is allowed to access files using functions like fopen() and gzopen(). If a file is outside of the
Parallels Plesk Panel 8.0 and above configures the httpd.include file for each domain for overall site security. As such, it enables the open_basedir directive for PHP, so
Error Messages:
Value applications are compatible with either Windows or Linux operating systems. PHP 5 is enabled for all Linux hosting accounts. PHP 5 is enabled for Windows hosting
PHP is a popular and simple server scripting language that enables Web developers to embed dynamic content into Web pages. PHP 5 is enabled for all Linux hosting accounts.
The PHP libraries installed on your server depend on its type and operating system.
To enter phpMyAdmin or use your database remotely, you need a password to access it.
Most of our hosting accounts support some version of PHP. If your account does, which version you use displays in your control panel.