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Results of PHP Development : 84

Change the footer in WordPress

You can manually make changes to the PHP code in the footer of your WordPress site. This enables you to change more than just the text that appears at the bottom of your

Update the site database

The next step you need to complete to manually migrate a WordPress site to a Pro Managed WordPress account: Update the WordPress site database. We'll use phpMyAdmin to get

Change the table prefixes

This next step in manually moving a WordPress site to a Pro Managed WordPress account: Change table prefixes in the WordPress site database. You need to use phpMyAdmin to

Disable external WordPress comment requests

You can disable external comment requests for WordPress. The following steps block requests to the wp-comments-post.php file that come from outside your WordPress site, which

Copying Your Plesk Shared Hosting Websites

Our Plesk shared hosting accounts can copy or clone sites. This is a simple way to create a staging site for website development — by copying files to another domain hosted

Block PHP in directories

One of the ways a site can be compromised is by PHP files being injected into your WordPress folders and executed from there. The following steps will help you block PHP

Enable debug errors in WordPress

Setting WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php will enable the debug mode throughout WordPress. This will cause all PHP errors, warnings, and notices to be displayed.

Disable Magic Quotes

Magic Quotes is a process that automatically escapes incoming data to the PHP script. However, it can cause issues for your website and you might need to disable it.

Using Our PHP Form Mailers on Web & Classic Hosting

Two non-CGI form mailers are included in Linux shared hosting account default files: webformmailer.php and gdform.php. They reside in the root directory of your hosting

php.ini/.user.ini Changes Not Taking Effect

If you made changes to your site's PHP initialization file (php.ini or .user.ini) but they aren't taking effect, use the following information to help resolve the issue.

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