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Results of PHP Development : 84

What filename does my PHP initialization file need to use?

PHP initialization files can manage form, server, and environmental variables as well as server-side cookies, temporary directories, error display, and error logging. You can

Sending Form Mail with cPanel and Plesk Shared Hosting

To send form mail for a website hosted on your cPanel or Plesk shared hosting account(more info), we recommend using PHP's mail( ) function. You can find more information on

Wincache Support on Plesk Shared Hosting

Our Plesk shared hosting accounts support Wincache for PHP apps. This feature can increase the performance of PHP applications through caching on your hosting account.

Setting up Custom-Defined PHP Error Logs in cPanel

cPanel offers built-in error logging, but it doesn't catch errors generated from PHP and doesn't keep error logs for extended periods of time. To remedy this, you can have

Log in to phpMyAdmin in cPanel hosting

phpMyAdmin lets you manage MySQL databases. You can change database values, run queries, and create, view and modify your database structure.

Change PHP Settings

If the default settings for your hosting account do not meet the requirements of your website or application, you can follow these steps to change your PHP settings.

Setup PHP error logging

When troubleshooting PHP errors, you will want to review your PHP logs. If you don't have PHP logs to review, use the following process to set up logging:

End PHP processes

On Linux® hosting accounts, you can view and end certain types of connections to your account. You can use this to manage runaway scripts or get your account's PHP

Change my PHP version

Plesk lets you change the PHP settings on a per-domain basis. This means you have to update the settings for each domain on your account if you don't want to use the default

View or change your PHP version in cPanel hosting

Your cPanel account displays its PHP version on its home page.

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