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Results of Website Designing Services : 727

What's included with the website design service?

The Professional Web Services team works with you to design a website that best fits your needs. We construct each page of your website using the images and text that you

Customize IIS settings

Using your control panel, you can customize the IIS Settings for directories on your website.

Publishing Content Before Modifying Your DNS

Preview DNS lets you test your website prior to launch to ensure it displays and behaves properly on our hosting servers before modifying your domain's DNS record. This is

What is a script?

A script is a library of functionality that is easily incorporated into a website. Scripts expose functions that perform specific tasks and are called by existing code.

Setting Up a .MOBI Domain

When setting up Website Builder with a .mobi domain, you can create a website properly formatted for smaller screens. Pages set up with this feature will display on

Add an SSL Site Seal to my site

If you've bought an SSL certificate, you can display a site seal on your Web pages. A site seal lets your visitors know that information they send through your website, such

Installing DotNetNuke Modules

DotNetNuke is a powerful content management system for developing custom websites and content whose functionality can be extended through the installation of modules.

Add a Pre-Built Page

With the Pre-Built page feature in Website Builder, you can easily select from a list a specially designed pages and choose the one that best suits you needs. Pre-built pages

Creating a favicon

A favicon (short for favorites icon) is an icon associated with a particular website. Favicons display in the address bar to the left of the URL, in bookmarks, and in

Uploading a favicon

A favicon (short for favorites icon) is an icon associated with a particular website. Favicons display in the address bar to the left of the URL, in bookmarks, and in

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