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Inserting Numbered and Bulleted Lists in Email Messages

When using the Rich Text Editor, you can insert numbered lists and bulleted lists in your Workspace Webmail messages. For more information about formatting text in an email

Using the email address book

When you add a contact to your address book, you can also add their information, such as their address and phone number. This helps you keep contact information in one place.

Selecting Email Recipients from the Contact List

You can send an email message to a specific contact from your Contacts list.

Importing or exporting address books

When working with your Workspace Webmail Address Book, you can import or export an address book in a comma-separated value (CSV) format. A CSV file is a standardized file

Grouping messages by subject thread

You can group related messages by subject and hierarchy through Workspace Webmail so that all replies to a message are listed under the original message.

Display settings in webmail

Workspace Webmail lets you customize its appearance and behaviors.

Color your emails based on rules

You can highlight your Workspace emails in different colors based on rules or filters. This makes it easy for you to notice important emails and organize your inbox.

Add my email signature to my webmail

Email signatures can show your name, job title, phone number, website or whatever other information you want to include (such as images and social media links). You can set

Using album badges

A photo badge is a single photo or multiple photos that you can share on other websites, such as your Blog, MySpace, or Facebook account. In Photo Album, you can create a

Can I submit content to incorporate in my logo?

No, you cannot submit content to include in your logo design. However, when you complete the Interactive Online Interview or speak with a Logo Designer, you can discuss your

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