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Renaming a Skin

You can rename a saved skin without changing any of its design settings. This is useful if you decide to save a skin for a specific purpose. For example, you might rename

Deleting a Skin

You can easily delete a custom skin from your list of saved skins.

Using the Advanced CSS Feature in Quick Shopping Cart

You can apply your own styles to your Quick Shopping Cart® storefront using the Advanced Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) feature. Any styles you define are applied to all pages

What is pipeline mode?

Pipeline mode refers to how a Web server processes client requests. IIS 7 offers two pipeline modes. Integrated pipeline mode handles all requests through a unified pipeline

Can I connect to the IIS manager under IIS 7?

For security reasons, we do not allow access to IIS manager under IIS 7. You can, however, manage your IIS 7 settings and applications through our Hosting Control Panel.

Are there any IIS 7 features not supported on your Windows shared hosting accounts?

While the vast majority of IIS 7 functionality is supported by our Windows hosting accounts, the following features are not:

Upgrading Your Windows Hosting Account to IIS 7

Existing Windows Shared Hosting accounts running IIS 6 can upgrade to IIS 7. For information on IIS 7, see What is IIS 7?

Is IIS 7 available for my Windows hosting account?

Yes, IIS 7 is supported on new Windows shared hosting accounts. Once your account is configured with IIS 7, you cannot downgrade to IIS 6.

Create virtual directory

You can create virtual directories on your hosting account which work like aliases to directories located somewhere else. For example, in the URL

What are email headers?

Every email message includes a block of text at the top that is referred to as the header. The header contains details about the message, including the sender's information,

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