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Results of What our IT Consultant Does : 3067

Exchange Server 2013: Install a certificate

After you request the certificate in our online application and it's ready for installation, you must download the files we provide.

What are Code Signing and Driver Signing certificates?

Code Signing certificates attach a digital signature to code to validate that the content has not been altered since it was signed and distributed. Code signing works with

SignTool: Sign Windows code with a code signing certificate

After you've created your PFX file, you can sign your code with Microsoft SignTool.

Exporting a Code Signing Certificate from Internet Explorer or Firefox

Once you install a Code Signing certificate in your browser, you might want to export it from Internet Explorer® or Firefox® to use elsewhere. For example, you might want to

Converting Code Signing Certificates to Different Formats

There are different scenarios for converting code signing certificates, these are the most common. If your scenario is not listed here, refer to your manufacturer's

IIS 7: Generate CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests)

Before you can request a certificate through our online application, you need to use the IIS Manager to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for your website.

IIS 7: Install a certificate

After you request the certificate in our online application and it's ready for installation, you must download the files we provide.

Setting Up PayPal Express Checkout with Quick Shopping Cart

PayPal® Express Checkout is a payment solution that seamlessly integrates with your existing Quick Shopping Cart® checkout process. Your customers proceed through your

Using the Media Gallery

The Media Gallery manages the images, PDFs, and SWF files you upload to Quick Shopping Cart®. It's available through the Storefront menu and the Product page. Using the Media

What's the difference between the Payment Route and Address Route in PayPal Express?

If you have enabled PayPal Express® in your Quick Shopping Cart account, customers can use this payment method to complete their transactions via either the address route or

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