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Results of Why Do I Need a Domain Name : 3453

Add a Google calendar

Website Builder does not include a calendar feature, but you can use its HTML widget to display a third-party calendar instead. For example, you can embed a Google Calendar

Set up my email account on Microsoft Outlook

Set up your Workspace email on Outlook. To start, select your Outlook version and computer type (operating system) or phone type.

Why is the wrong image showing when sharing my website on social media?

When sharing a website online, the image displayed from your website is chosen using Open Graph tags. These custom meta tags control which image is displayed on any social

Why are my uploaded images displaying sideways or upside down?

Images might display sideways or upside down after uploading them to your website thanks to the picture being taken on a phone or camera that is in landscape mode. While most

How do I change my site after the Facelift redesign?

Your old v6 website will still remain live until you publish your redesigned new website. That means you can use the latest version of Website Builder to make more changes to

Add Google Analytics

Website Builder version 6 allows you to add a Google® Analytics script to your site, which lets you monitor visits to your website. This service requires a Google Analytics

Access my guest book or calendar

Looking for your Guest Book and Calendar? Not to worry: They're still available, but the process has changed somewhat. Here's how to find them both using our updated Website

Backup FAQs

Website Backup is a service that we are offering to allow our customers to backup your site via FTP or SFTP. Here are some FAQ regarding this service.

Keeping my website clean

It's important to to be proactive and take steps to help reduce the risk of reinfection. While no one can promise you the risk will ever be zero, there are many things that

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