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Super Reseller Getting Started Guide

This guide will help you set up and manage your Super Reseller plan. You may download a PDF version to your computer or view the guide below.

Preview your website using hosts files

Sometimes you need to preview your website files on your hosting account prior to pointing your domain to your hosting account. You can do this by adding entries to the hosts

What is Good As Gold?

Good As Gold is ITEGY's payment method that lets you transfer funds directly between your bank account and ours, storing a balance for future purchases.

Windows Shared Hosting ASP/ASP.NET Module & Feature Support

Which ASP and ASP.NET modules and features your account supports depends on which type of hosting you have (more info).

Performing a Traceroute in Mac OS X

If you are running MacĀ® OS X, you can use the Network Utility application, which is included with Mac OS X, to run the trace route.

Change your email forwarding account

You can edit the address that your email forwarding account sends email to. Here's how:

Where can I download my shared hosting backups?

Where you can download your backups you create depends on which type of backup you want to use.

What is the difference between a system backup and a user backup?

There are two types of backup: System Backup and User Backup. In addition to the system backups, we recommend maintaining user backups for your records.Here is a list of

What does my database restore error mean?

While attempting to restore a database back-up file, there are a variety of errors that could occur. This list provides a further definition of common errors.

Requesting Additional SMTP Relays for Your Server

By default, dedicated and Virtual Private Servers (VPS) have a limit of 1,000 SMTP relays per day. However, if you can provide a legitimate justification, we can increase the

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