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Connect to my Web Hosting account with SSH (Secure Shell)

Once you have enabled SSH (Secure Shell) protocol on your Web Hosting account, you can connect via SSH using a client. We recommend using:PuTTy for WindowsTerminal for MacIn

Using LinkShare

LinkShare™ is a full-service online marketing solution that assists you with Search (SEM), Lead Generation, and Affiliate Marketing. You can use LinkShare with your Quick

Working with LinkShare as an Advertiser or Merchant

You can use the LinkShare™ affiliate marketing application with your Quick Shopping Cart® storefront to find and retain customers, manage your search marketing investments,

Fetch: Publish your website

Use the following steps to publish your website using the Fetch FTP client on a Macintosh computer.

IIS 8/Windows Server 2012: Generate CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests)

Before you can request a certificate through our online application, you need to use Microsoft®'s IIS Manager to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for your website.

IIS 8: Install a certificate

After you request the certificate in our online application and it's ready for installation, you must download the files we provide.

Configuring Plesk to Support an External Email Server

With Plesk, you can configure your server to use external mail servers, such as Google® and Yahoo!®, to handle email services.

Rekey my certificate

You should re-key your SSL certificate when:

Connect remotely to databases

Connecting remotely to a database lets you manage it using tools like MySQL Query Browser, MySQL Workbench, or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an Internet marketing strategy in which an organization rewards affiliates for marketing efforts that direct clients and draw business to the

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