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Results of Email Autorespond : 584

Create an email folder

You can organize your Workspace Webmail using folders. Folders you create display alphabetically beneath your Workspace Webmail default folders (Inbox, Bulk Mail, Drafts,

Use spam filter settings

While junk email might be worth a laugh or two, it's not funny when it overruns your Inbox. You can use Workspace Webmail's features for spam management to prevent

Create a distribution list in webmail

Workspace Webmail lets you email groups of contacts using distribution lists. This lets you send emails to the same groups of people easily, instead of adding them as

Using reading panes

When you turn on reading panes in Workspace Webmail 6, you can simultaneously view your list of emails and the content of a message you select. Within reading panes, you can

Using message marking to flag important emails

Marking messages helps you remember which of them are important. In Workspace Webmail 6, stars display next to marked messages. You can display marked messages first in your

Email forwarding options for my email address

Forward your emails from other email addresses (ex: Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail) to your or Workspace email inboxes. Alternatively, you can forward emails from your Workspace

Create a backup file to export my email account info

Creating an Outlook backup file allows you to save and export email messages, contacts and calendar info. You’ll be able to import your backup to a new email plan, email

Create email signup form

The Online Store enables you to create a signup form for customers to submit their email addresses. Sending your email list announcements lets you boost return store visits

What is an SPF record?

An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is a type of TXT record in your DNS zone file. SPF records help identify which mail servers are permitted to send email on behalf of

How does Office 365 migration work?

ITEGY-Distinctive Technology Services offers email migration services to Office 365. We take care of all the hard work moving your email data, and at each step, we'll message

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