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Overview of the Campaigns page

After you've opened to your Email Marketing account, you can see see the Campaigns page by clicking Campaigns in the top menu. This is where you'll create your email

Getting a CSV File from Excel or Numbers

Getting a CSV file from an Excel spreadsheet is easy! Just start with your document open in Excel, or Numbers. Go to your File menu on the top left of the page, choose Save

Including and excluding lists

You've already seen those "Include" and "Exclude" buttons when you send a mailing from your account. The Include button is pretty straightforward. Click on the Include toggle

Difference between subject line and campaign title

The Campaign Title that displays on the Campaigns page, and the Subject Line of an individual mailing are two different things. However, Email Marketing will use the Campaign

Overview of the Don't Resend option

All Email Marketing Campaigns have the option to Don't send this to people who already received it, when sending a mailing. Selecting this option will prevent any contact

Check the stats of your campaign

When you send an email campaign, you can monitor the results by checking the statistics.

Making your emails social

What's better than an Email Marketing campaign? An Email Marketing campaign connected to all your social profiles, and sharable by your subscribers!

What is this verification step?

You may have heard someone at Email Marketing describe our Verification step, or you may be just about ready to send your very first email. We have a super quick verification

View statistics for a single mailing

Every campaign displays its most recent statistics on the Campaigns page.

Schedule a campaign to send later

You can create a Email Marketing campaign and schedule the mailing for a later date. This can be helpful when you want to create a group of campaigns at one sitting, and plan

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