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Results of Cloud Hosting : 439

Cancel DNS hosting

You can cancel DNS Hosting for a domain at any time. This will remove and deactivate the zone file from your account with us, allowing you to manage DNS elsewhere.

Freshbooks Addon

Freshbooks is a cloud-based invoicing, timekeeping, and billing solution. With the Freshbooks addon, you can sync your client list with your Email Marketing subscribers! If

What is shared hosting?

Shared hosting is a common type of web hosting, where the service provider hosts many websites on one physical web server. Since most websites don't use many server

What is Business Hosting?

Business Hosting is a type of cPanel hosting that is more powerful than shared hosting. With Business hosting, you can get the power and resources of your own private server,

Manually move WordPress to another folder

You may need to move WordPress from one folder to another in the same hosting account. It's certainly possible, but it takes a few more steps than simply moving the files.

Unzip a zip file

There are times you need to manually unzip a file. Such as updating a custom theme or manually updating a plugin. Perhaps you are moving a WordPress site from one hosting

Add a DS record

You can work with one or more DS records at one time, depending on your domain name's extension (.com, .net, etc.). Your registry or hosting company will be able to provide

Archive files and directories

As your hosting account grows in size, the ability to compress and archive files assists in easier account maintenance and file storage. Additionally, by compressing items in

Add subdomain

You can host websites on subdomains using your hosting account by adding the subdomain to your hosting account. An example of a subdomain is subdomain.coolexample.com.

Rename files in cPanel hosting

You can rename files you've uploaded to your hosting account.

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