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Add a DS record

You can work with one or more DS records at one time, depending on your domain name's extension (.com, .net, etc.). Your registry or hosting company will be able to provide

Archive files and directories

As your hosting account grows in size, the ability to compress and archive files assists in easier account maintenance and file storage. Additionally, by compressing items in

Add subdomain

You can host websites on subdomains using your hosting account by adding the subdomain to your hosting account. An example of a subdomain is subdomain.coolexample.com.

Rename files in cPanel hosting

You can rename files you've uploaded to your hosting account.

You are not allowed to add more than 0 addon domains. The domain was not setup.

You might receive the following error message when trying to add a domain name to your cPanel shared hosting account:

Create copy of a file folder

You can create exact copies of files on your hosting account.

Change your default/index file

Your hosting account's default file displays when visitors go to your site. For more information, see What file displays when someone browses to my domain name?

Remove web access to directories

Using Plesk shared hosting accounts, you can only remove Web access from directories that are a domain name's Document Root.

Edit common PHP settings in my Plesk hosting account

You can customize your Plesk hosting account via the common PHP settings in the Plesk admin section of your account. Custom php settings allow to control variables such as

Change a domain in WordPress

The steps below will help you update your WordPress site to use a new domain name. After changing the domain you may also need to update the domain on the hosting account

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