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Results of Hosting featur : 528

Change the control panel language in Plesk hosting

You can use your control panel in a large number of languages.

Get Started with Starter Site

Starter Site from Professional Web Services is ideal for quickly creating a basic one-page website. With a onetime build fee, plus monthly hosting service, an attractive,

Move or Copy WordPress files to another folder

If you built a test or development WordPress site, then you may need to move it from one folder to another on your hosting account before it's ready for visitors.

Use spam filter settings

While junk email might be worth a laugh or two, it's not funny when it overruns your Inbox. You can use Workspace Webmail's features for spam management to prevent

Downgrade my plan

Downgrade your plan if you want fewer features, or if you don't want to pay for features that you don't think you'll use. You can upgrade in the future, but you'll have to

Set up featured products

Add featured products so customers can quickly see your top products. These can be your best-sellers, or items or services that you want to draw attention to.

Selecting Your Hosting Platform

If you want a website, you need more than just a domain name — you also must have a hosting account.

Manually add my email address to Outlook 2016 (Windows)

If you don't want to use the Autodiscover feature to set up your email, or it's not working properly, you can manually add your email address to Outlook 2016 on Windows.

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