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Results of Registering Domain Names : 743

Domain Name FAQ

A domain name, like www.coolexample.com, is a lot like a street address for a house or business. Let's use the White House as an example. The street address, 1600

What are Certified Domains?

A Certified Domain lets people know that we have formally certified the domain's registration. Read on for answers to your questions about getting started with domain

Working with Your Certified Domain

Now that the domain has been certified, what's next? Here are frequently-asked questions about using and retaining your domain's certification.

Certified Domains: Authorization and validation process

During the domain name validation process, we verify the email address used when the domain is registered with us. The process also includes fraud screening and telephone

Using FrontPage to Upload Content to a Site Hosting Multiple Domains

If your account hosts subdomains or non-primary domains and you use FrontPage to publish content, you should only upload content through your account's primary domain.

Transfer my domain to ITEGY

You can transfer your domain to ITEGY from another registrar. If you are looking to move a domain from one ITEGY account to another, please see Transfer my domain to another

Canceling Domain Backorders and Monitoring

If you no longer want to monitor or backorder a domain name, you can cancel your Domain Backorders and Monitoring service through the Domain Manager.

Backordering your monitored domains

If you added Domain Monitoring to a domain name, you can also place a backorder on the domain name to attempt to register it if it becomes available. Or, if it's listed for

Updating email addresses for Monitored or Backordered Domain Names

If you have Domain Backorders or Monitoring for a domain name, we send an email notification to you within 24 hours of a change to its status. You can update the email

Canceling Privacy on Backordered domains

If you purchased Private Registration for a domain name you are attempting to register with Domain Backorders, you can cancel the privacy at any time. However, if we acquire

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