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Results of Why Do I Need a Domain Name : 3453

Find my Office 365 IMAP or POP settings

Find your Office 365 IMAP or POP settings to manually configure your email account. This is an alternative email setup method for email clients that don't support Microsoft

Why are some of my domains not eligible?

As you set up your Business Email or Professional Email accounts, you may see some domains listed as not eligible or grayed out in the list. This is because you can only have

Error: This seat's taken, domain has already been used

When setting up your domain and email for the first time in Office 365 from ITEGY-Distinctive Technology Services, you might receive this error if you've already used the

Create an Office 365 email alias

An email alias is an additional email address that redirects emails to a single inbox. You can create up to 400 email aliases.

Add an email signature in Outlook on the web

Add email signatures when sending messages using Outlook on the web. Your signature can be automatically added to every message you send, or only added on certain messages.

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